How to Navigate the Holiday Season with Time Management Tips

In the modern business world, the ability to juggle multiple tasks and priorities is absolutely essential and the holiday season piles on more obligations and, for many, more pressure. Our work lives sometimes pay the price.

Here are some ideas on how you can navigate this busy time.

1~Get up one hour earlier than normal one day per week. Use that hour to RSVP to parties, plan menus, write cards or compose the family newsletter if you send one.

2~It really is okay to politely say no to some events if attending them will run you ragged. The digital age has complicated etiquette and if the event is held by someone you don’t wish to offend, a handwritten note goes a long way to smooth over any perceived slights.

3~If you rebuke the idea of online shopping as you feel the need to personally pick out each and every gift, re-think your motivation as many online retailers offer free shipping and no-hassle returns. If you don’t like the item, you are burdened only with the cost of return shipping. But if you must, try to tack your lunch hour on either to the start or end of the day. If you know you only have an hour, you will be forced to focus on the task at hand.

4~If you like to bake, pick a weekend day and BAKE away! But don’t think people are going to think less of you if you offer bakery-bought goods in lieu of homemade.

5~Get a massage or a pedicure or a facial or have lunch with a friend in the midst of the chaos and planning. It’s crucial to gift yourself along the way to keep your spirits and energies high.

You should get to enjoy the holidays too!

Get Memory Power March 1st

How often have you heard or read something important only to forget what you just learned five minutes later? How would you like to stop forgetting details, names, and dates?

The mind is a complex system of incredible power that modern science is just beginning to understand. But there are proven techniques that you can practice now to harness that power and manipulate your memory for your personal benefit.

Join me on March 1st at the Gershman Y at 7:00 pm for “Memory Power”, my new Life University Corporate seminar. You’ll learn how to effortlessly recall important information from the recesses of your memory and never forget another meeting, important fact, name, event, or occasion ever again.

Admission to this program is only $10. Visit to sign up for “Memory Power” before the seminar sells out and I’m forced to turn people away.

The more you use the techniques learned in this seminar, the more your short and long-term memory will improve. These cumulative techniques will continue to boost your memory for days, months, and even years! Visit to sign up now. I look forward to seeing you there.


Ellen Engel


Book One Training Session and in Q1 2011 and Receive a FREE “Memory Power” Seminar

When you book a training session in the first quarter of 2011, you’ll now receive one FREE “Memory Power” seminar from Ellen Engel, CEO of Elevate USA Inc.

How often have you heard or read something important only to forget what you just learned five minutes later? How would you like to stop forgetting details, names, dates? The mind is a complex system of incredible power that we are just beginning to fully understand. But there are techniques you can practice to harness that power and manipulate your memory to your benefit. Ellen Engel’s new free seminar, Memory Power, will teach you how to effortlessly recall important information from the recesses of your memory. You will never forget another birthday, name, event, or occasion again. The more you use the techniques learned in this seminar, the more your short and long-term memory will improve.

“I was attending one of Ellen’s seminars with about fifty other people. We all went around the room introducing ourselves. At the end of the exercise, Ellen was able to recite all of our names after only hearing them once! It was incredible. And now I can do the same thing. Memory Power really works!” — Sharon Bacchus

For more information about Memory Power and the Life University training programs offered by Elevate USA Inc. visit

Enrollment in Life University is Now Open

We are pleased to announce that enrollment for Life University 2011 is now open. Enroll your 18-25 year old before our limited space sells out.

The Life University program consists of three phases:

  • Life University Weekend Experience – a three-day professional education and networking event where participants learn advanced professional skills that can usually only be picked up after years of trial and error in the workforce
  • Two Months of Follow-Up Coaching – individual coaches ensure participants are sticking with the lessons learned at the Weekend Experience and are moving in a productive direction toward their long-term professional goals
  • 295 Days of One-On-One Mentoring – each participant is paired with a notable mentor who will provide critical connections and advice far beyond entry-level positions, catapulting each participant a full 5-7 years ahead of their peers

As a bonus each participant becomes an official Life University alumnus after 365 days of enrollment have expired. Life University alumni are some of the most powerful and success young professionals, artists, and entrepreneurs in the workforce today. See what they have to say about our success.

Life University 2011 begins with the Weekend Experience in NYC on April 1, 2011. Enroll your 18-25 year old in Life University today. Space is limited. Refer a friend, colleague, or family member’s 18-25 year old and earn a $100 referral fee when they enroll.

Refer an 18-25 year old to Life University and earn $100

Do you know someone with an 18-25 year old? Help enrich their lives with an education for real world success. Our main objective at Life University is to help improve the professional lives of as many ambitious future leaders of tomorrow as possible. We pride ourselves on the power of our program and the success of our alumni.

We’re so proud, in fact, that we’re willing to give a $100 referral fee to anyone who refers a future Life University attendee, and a $100 discount to anyone who is referred to us. All you have to do is spread the word.

To become eligible for a referral fee, simply contact us at (646)415-8713 or to provide your information. You’ll receive a confirmation and a code that entitles the 18-25 year old you referred to their $100 enrollment discount. When they enroll in an upcoming Life University program, you’ll receive a check in the mail containing your $100 referral fee.

Introducing the Life University Faculty

We are pleased to announce that the Life University faculty list is now available online.

Life University faculty members make up the backbone of the program’s individualized coaching and the Life University Weekend Experience‘s innovative hands-on professional lessons. Our fourteen primary faculty members come from a wide variety of backgrounds in the business, training, military, medical, and creative fields.

“They come from some really eclectic backgrounds of success and passion,” said Life University’s co-founder Ellen Engel. “Everyone on our team brings a different perspective and an incredible amount of knowledge gained over decades of experience in everything from business ownership, to flying combat missions for the Marine Corps, to a popular form of Swiss wood carving.”

The diverse lessons learned by the faculty is a large part of what enables the Life University program to prepare ambitious 18-25 year olds to excel in any career or situation. At the Life University Weekend Experience, faculty members teach lessons that are universal but rooted in specific real life experiences.

Combined with mentoring from a vast pool of notable mentors, the Life University faculty are shaping a stronger, more successful and secure workforce for tomorrow.

An update on two new programs

As you know, since I sold the International Association of Business Leaders in 2005 I love what I’m doing—coaching and training entrepreneurs, business people, and free-lancing for a number of public seminar companies.

Now, I need your help.

Starting this month I will be expanding my corporate training and my individual coaching. I am reducing my public seminar training to concentrate on two additional programs near and dear to my heart.

Let me explain the two programs and then I’ll explain how you can help.

  1. The Entrepreneur Boot Camp. The Entrepreneur Boot Camp is a two-day interactive workshop that will teach the critical elements of starting and expanding a business in practical, easy to understand terms. We do not talk theory. This is hands-on. We cover what entrepreneurs need to know to start and expand their business including topics such as: what business are you best suited for; concentrating on results not on being busy; funding sources; networking; marketing and Internet marketing.
  2. Life University. Many of you know I’ve been working on this program since 2004. The idea behind Life U is to give a head-start to ambitious, success-driven 18-25 year olds. Young adults are always told they have to set goals, manage their time, have good credit, be good communicators—but they are never taught how. They go into the workforce with book knowledge but are unprepared for more. I surveyed managers and supervisors from around the world asking what skills their companies valued and what is lacking most in today’s young employees. Then I surveyed the 18-25 year olds to find out what they were lacking when entering the business world. Compiling answers to the surveys, I develop a three-tiered program.
  • A three-day weekend gathering for networking events, seminars, hands-on life skills workshops, plus the participation of dozens of professionals and mentors, and exposure to industry leaders
  • Four sessions of follow-up coaching over the phone, to retain and sharpen knowledge
  • Pairing with a notable mentor from industry of interest who will help make introductions, give advice, and guide career assistance

Now, how can you help?

The best way for us to all help each other succeed is through networking. I am asking for referrals. If you know anyone who:

  1. Needs corporate training
  2. Is looking for a business coach
  3. Wants to start or grow their own business
  4. Has an 18-25 year old they would like to see succeed with good skills, a good job, and good contacts
  5. Would like to gain more exposure with young adults and families, or employ young, mature adults with true life and work skills

Refer them to me.

If you refer anyone to me who:

  1. Signs up for coaching, training, or the Entrepreneur Boot Camp, I will pay a referral fee of $50 and give the person you referred a $50 discount to the program they choose
  2. Signs up for the Life University  program or sponsorship, I will pay a referral fee of $100

Networking and helping with referrals is a win-win situation. If I have your telephone number, I will be contacting you over the next month to ask you for referrals. It is never too soon to help. The next Entrepreneur Boot Camps will be in NYC on August 21 & 22 and in Philadelphia on September 25 & 26. Life University programs are scheduled in March and April of 2011. We are enrolling now. Space is limited.

Visit our website at for more information about the programs.

I will be speaking to each and every one of you in the next month. If you would like to reach me you can call me direct on my cell phone at 252-288-2133 or email me at

Best regards,


P.S. We are looking for ambitious, self-motivating sales people for Life U sponsorship sales. It is a commission based position paying generous commission. Refer us to a friend or colleague.

Become “more” than an average entrepreneur

Business Theory Is Not Everything

I met Karen ten years ago. I was a lawyer by trade and an entrepreneur by choice. She was a lawyer working for the real estate department of a large company. Karen desperately wanted to start her own business. We both kept in touch over the years, but she never started her business. Like many people, she had bills to pay, her job took most of her time, and although she had the knowledge and a good business idea, she was just waiting for the right time.

When Karen lost her job and was unable to get another equivalent position, she took the plunge and finally started her own business.

Karen called me eight months ago. Her business was failing and she was asking for help. I did an assessment of Karen’s business: She had set up her business right—she had everything in place! A well structured business, a superior business plan, an aggressive marketing campaign, and enthusiasm for her services. Her business was theoretically perfect. Yet it was failing!

This is a huge problem with entrepreneurs. Business theory is not enough. Successful entrepreneurs have “more”. Fortunately, you don’t have to be born with “more” – it can be learned.

Discover the Secrets to Being a Successful Entrepreneur and Get “More” from Your Business

The Entrepreneur Boot Camp is a two-day hands-on seminar that will teach you how to take your dream and turn it into a profitable business. We teach you how to be “more” than the average business owner. Our speakers have started dozens of businesses and have decades of real world experience. Now they want to share it with you.

Visit to sign up for the Entrepreneur Boot Camp.

The next Boot Camps will be in New York City on August 21-22 and in Philadelphia on September 25-26. Space is limited. The $550 registration fee includes two days of lunch and seminar materials.

Do You Know an Ambitious Professional? Refer Them and Earn $50 Just for Helping a Friend!

We are offering a $50 referral fee to anyone who recommends a future attendee, and a $50 discount to anyone referred to the Entrepreneur Boot Camp. To become eligible for a referral fee, simply contact us at (646) 415-8713 to provide your information. You’ll receive the confirmation code that entitles you to your $50 referral fee and your colleague to their $50 discount.

“I’ve seen the Entrepreneur Boot Camp clarify some powerful time management strategies for an audience of seasoned professionals. I’m happy to give an unqualified positive recommendation.” – Robert McKechnie, Grant Writer

I worked with Karen to give her the edge she needed to make her businesses succeed. By helping her focus on results, not busy work, time management, and holding herself accountable to the realistic goals we set together, Karen was able to be “more” than just an average entrepreneur.

Karen’s business is doing quite well after our last interaction. She’s been meeting her goals as planned and bringing in record revenue. All she needed was the voice of experience to help her concentrate on what was truly important.

For more information on the Entrepreneur Boot Camp and other coaching, mentoring, and professional services to elevate your life, please visit

New Entrepreneur Boot Camps in NYC and Philly

“It’s Always Better to Own Your Own Business, Even If It’s Just a Shoe Shine Stand.”

My father always used to tell me that. He dreamed of owning his own business ever since he was a young man. He believed there was no better reward he could achieve. No freedom greater than being able to set your own hours, make your own money, call your own shots.

But he never achieved his dream.

He was always waiting for the right time. First he wanted to get established in his career. Then he wanted to start a family. After that he wanted to pay for his children’s education.

There’s Never a Better Time to Get Started Than Right NOW!

Don’t let life get in the way. If you dream of owning your own company, of being in charge and creating something new, don’t put it off until tomorrow. There is always an excuse not to get started. There is always a “better time”.

The Entrepreneur Boot Camp is a two-day hands-on seminar that will teach you how to take your dream and turn it into a profitable business. Our speakers have started dozens of businesses. Now they want to share their decades of experience with you.

You’ll save yourself unnecessary risk, setbacks, and frustration by taking the practical knowledge you learned from the Boot Camp and applying it to your lifelong dream.

You Don’t Even Have to Quit Your Current Job to Become a Successful Business Owner!

We will show you how to supplement your existing income and steadily grow your business until you’re confident it can support you and your needs. Visit to sign up for the Entrepreneur Boot Camp.

The next Boot Camps will be in New York City on August 21-22 and in Philadelphia on September 25-26. Space is limited. The $550 registration fee includes two days of lunch and seminar materials.

Do You Know an Ambitious Professional? Refer Them and Earn $50 Just for Helping a Friend!

We are offering a $50 referral fee to anyone who recommends a future attendee, and a $50 discount to anyone referred to the Entrepreneur Boot Camp. To become eligible for a referral fee, simply contact us at (646) 415-8713 to provide your information. You’ll receive the confirmation code that entitles you to your $50 referral fee and your colleague to their $50 discount.

Earn $50; Give Them a $50 Discount!

My father is 84-years-old now and has lots of regrets. Don’t let an opportunity pass you by like it did with him. Don’t regret never taking a risk. The Entrepreneur Boot Camp will show you how to achieve your dream responsibly and quickly. In less time than you can image, you’ll be reaping the financial and emotional rewards most people only ever fantasize about.

For more information on the Entrepreneur Boot Camp and other coaching, mentoring, and professional services to elevate your life, please visit

In Defense of Multitasking

In Defense of Multitasking. I like this article a lot. During the time management seminars I facilitate, I expain to attendees that studies show that we can be more efficient if we unitask. Unfortunately, in this day and age, doing the job of multiple people and with having so much to do, we cannot unitask. So, I try to impress the people attending my seminars who want to be better time managers that unitasking does not mean do not do anything until you finish one task. Instead, be as efficient as possible. Bring the task you are working on to a logical stopping point before you move on to answer a question, handle a distraction, or run to a fire that needs to be put out. By stopping at a logical point in your task instead of just dropping and running to the next task, you can more easily come back to the task and get back to work more efficiently.