Enrollment in Life University is Now Open

We are pleased to announce that enrollment for Life University 2011 is now open. Enroll your 18-25 year old before our limited space sells out.

The Life University program consists of three phases:

  • Life University Weekend Experience – a three-day professional education and networking event where participants learn advanced professional skills that can usually only be picked up after years of trial and error in the workforce
  • Two Months of Follow-Up Coaching – individual coaches ensure participants are sticking with the lessons learned at the Weekend Experience and are moving in a productive direction toward their long-term professional goals
  • 295 Days of One-On-One Mentoring – each participant is paired with a notable mentor who will provide critical connections and advice far beyond entry-level positions, catapulting each participant a full 5-7 years ahead of their peers

As a bonus each participant becomes an official Life University alumnus after 365 days of enrollment have expired. Life University alumni are some of the most powerful and success young professionals, artists, and entrepreneurs in the workforce today. See what they have to say about our success.

Life University 2011 begins with the Weekend Experience in NYC on April 1, 2011. Enroll your 18-25 year old in Life University today. Space is limited. Refer a friend, colleague, or family member’s 18-25 year old and earn a $100 referral fee when they enroll.

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