Get Memory Power March 1st

How often have you heard or read something important only to forget what you just learned five minutes later? How would you like to stop forgetting details, names, and dates?

The mind is a complex system of incredible power that modern science is just beginning to understand. But there are proven techniques that you can practice now to harness that power and manipulate your memory for your personal benefit.

Join me on March 1st at the Gershman Y at 7:00 pm for “Memory Power”, my new Life University Corporate seminar. You’ll learn how to effortlessly recall important information from the recesses of your memory and never forget another meeting, important fact, name, event, or occasion ever again.

Admission to this program is only $10. Visit to sign up for “Memory Power” before the seminar sells out and I’m forced to turn people away.

The more you use the techniques learned in this seminar, the more your short and long-term memory will improve. These cumulative techniques will continue to boost your memory for days, months, and even years! Visit to sign up now. I look forward to seeing you there.


Ellen Engel


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